Administration - System
Change the router login password, time zone, and NTP server settings.
Change the router login password
Router Login Name

New Password   
Retype Password
Show password
Basic Config
Time Zone
NTP Server NTP Link
Auto Logout minute(s) (Disable : 0)
Enable WAN down browser redirect notice Yes No
WPS Button behavior
Power Save Mode
Enable Reboot Scheduler Yes No
Date to Reboot Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Time of Day to Reboot :
Enable Telnet Yes No
Enable SSH
SSH Port
Allow Password Login Yes No
Authorized Keys
Idle Timeout minute(s) (Disable : 0)
Local Access Config
Authentication Method
Remote Access Config
Enable Web Access from WAN Yes No
HTTPS Port of Web Access from WAN
Allow only specified IP address Yes No
Specified IP address (Max Limit : 4)
Destination IP Access Type Add / Delete
Web UI SSH Telnet(LAN only)